Sunday, May 15, 2011

On the Road with Brain and Audry chapter 1

On the drive to Astoria Greg and I stopped in the giant Cabela's in Lacy, Washington where I was able to find a light rain jacket that fit me. We then went to a great diner Greg knew about from his collage days. I had a fantastic breakfast of fried oysers and hash browns and eggs and about a gallon of ice tea.

Using google maps we found a little used dirt road over the pass to the coast of Washington. The road was very narrow but after about 30 miles of alternating forest and bleak clear cuts and drop offs down bottomless cliffs we made it to civilization. I am in a gloomy motel for the night. The advertised wifi does not work so I am in the Burger King across the street to have a ice tea and use internet. Now I am going to crash early and hopefully start my ride early.

I know nothing of Astoria other than the facet the movie "The Goones" was filmed here thanks to Andrew who told me when I was mulling this trip. There is a maritime museum here but I will hit the road before it opens.

I went to a bike shop and got a orange vest to wear so hopefully a texting driver will see me before its too late.


  1. Brian - Have a wonderful and safe adventure! I look forward to your stories, as always.

  2. Exactly what Jennifer said! As a side note, it's dangerous living so close to the Lacey's Cabela's. Major money sink. Did you eat @ Hawk's Prairie or somewhere down in Oly? After my surgeries I can't ride a bike anymore but am still a wanderer such as yourself. You write wonderfully, and thanks again....
